How to export davinci resolve 17
How to export davinci resolve 17

What's gonna happen is it's gonna give you all the stuff here. Alright, so click Import, here, and then, go into your DaVinci render and pick up that import.

how to export davinci resolve 17

Let's go back through that import, because I imported the wrong one. I think I imported the wrong one, just give me a minute here. You know before how I could extend the clip out? Oops, give me a second here. Here's the thing, if you want to make a change here in Premiere, yeah you can, if you wanna make a slight little change, sure. What it does, is it finds all the files that were related to that DaVinci export and it puts it into a project for you. So here I'm just gonna grab that final XML. All you do, is just go File, Import, and now you find that XML. Okay, get an XML back in Premiere, it's really super easy guys. Alright, now, to get an XML back into Premiere.

how to export davinci resolve 17

Cool! Now, I'm just gonna go ahead and make a new project.

how to export davinci resolve 17

And let's pretend that we just got out of DaVinci, so now I'm going into Premiere, this sort of thing. Export from DaVinci Resolve to Adobe Premiere ProĪlright, so I'm gonna go ahead and open up Premiere.

How to export davinci resolve 17